



Partner organizations share our values, extend our collective reach, and allow us to do more – together.



meet our partners

Brandywine Creek Farms

Brandywine Creek Farms

Plant. Give. Grow.


With a mission to inject healthy, locally raised food into food deserts across Central Indiana, Brandywine Creek Farms is addressing gaps in a critical pillar of health for individuals and families: Nutrition. Their work provides free and affordable produce, while also creating new farmers, retailers, food service providers. Healthy outcomes all around.

S.O.A.R. Initiative

S.O.A.R. Initiative

Preserving the human-animal bond in times of crisis

S.O.A.R. Initiative works to preserve the human-animal bond, intervening at times of crisis to providing supportive care. 

WHYSaveALife Foundation

WHYSaveALife Foundation

Starting the Conversation, Bridging the Gap, Beating Cancer 1 Life at a Time!

WHYSaveALife Foundation, is a 501(c)3 non-for-profit organization determined to increase the five-year survival rate for minorities diagnosed with cancer. With a mission that focuses on increasing  minority enrollment in the National Marrow Donor Program (NMDP), we at Hood Medicine Initiative support the registry as we we pursue legislation that covers the cost of Umbilical Cord Blood Collection and Banking for mothers and families who cannot afford to self-pay.

Project Global Impact

Project Global Impact

Enhancing the development of Humanity through the development of practical solutions for an increasingly complex world.

PGI provides modular healthcare units that bring critical medical services to underserved communities and countries.



Helping nations and states build privacy-first contact tracing and case management solutions for Covid-19

PathCheck provides public health communications that bridge technology gaps plaguing under-serviced communities and countries. Together, we host PathCheck’s Global Health Innovators Seminar Series.